


Appropriate nutritional supplementation plays a fundamental role in a comprehensive program designed to maximize health and bolster resistance to disease. In Grain Brain I provided a list of highly validated supplements and promised that we would provide access to the very highest quality products available.   Our team has worked diligently to review the top manufacturers in America and within the next several weeks we will going live on the DrPerlmutter.com site providing access to the Empowering Nutrients line of nutritional supplements. Empowering Nutrients products are second to none in the industry in terms of production quality and every product listed is manufactured under the highest level GMP certified guidelines.   And beyond supplements, our team will soon provide you with the absolute best choices in food products including wild seafood, olive oil and grass-fed beef.   Moving ahead we will continue to devote our efforts to identifying products and services that support the scientifically validated premises described in Grain Brain.  We’re just a few weeks away!  All the best – for you,



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Dr. Perlmutter is one of the leading lights in medicine today, illuminating the path for solving chronic illness

Mark Hyman, MD