

Consumption of Vegetables Is Associated with Systemic Inflammation in Older Adults

Consumption of Vegetables Is Associated with Systemic Inflammation in Older Adults

Wearable Devices – Valuable Information About How You Are Sleeping

Wearable Devices – Valuable Information About How You Are Sleeping

We’ve written so much over the past several years about the value of sleep. And the two fundamental parameters that really matter in terms of their impact on a wide variety of health metrics include quantit...
Uric Acid and Risk of Death

Uric Acid and Risk of Death

Uric acid, when elevated, amps up some worrisome mechanisms in the body like fat production, inflammation, elevation of blood pressure, and even insulin resistance. These are issues that threaten heart and ...
What Our Fatigue Reveals About Our Health

What Our Fatigue Reveals About Our Health

One of the most common complaints that people have today when visiting their doctors is that they're just tired out. Unfortunately, this is a complaint that doesn't readily lend itself to a quick pharmaceut...
Exercise and Mental Health

Exercise and Mental Health

By Dr. Austin Perlmutter It’s not news to anyone: exercise is good for our health. What is more interesting is the recent research showing how physical activity may activate certain pathways within our immu...
Voluntary activation of the sympathetic nervous system and attenuation of the innate immune response in humans

Voluntary activation of the sympathetic nervous system and attenuation of the innate immune response in humans

Inflammation and Cellular Aging

Inflammation and Cellular Aging

One topic that’s certainly moved to center stage as of late is immunity. For obvious reasons there is great interest in exploring what we can do to enhance our immune functionality. The key idea, as it relat...
Ketogenic diet as a metabolic treatment for mental illness

Ketogenic diet as a metabolic treatment for mental illness

Anti-inflammatory treatment rescues memory deficits during aging in nfkb1−/− mice

Anti-inflammatory treatment rescues memory deficits during aging in nfkb1−/− mice

COVID-19: A Pandemic Within a Pandemic

COVID-19: A Pandemic Within a Pandemic