
The Empowering Neurologist – David Perlmutter, MD and Larry Olmsted

One of the central tenets of my work focuses on the importance of eating good food.  When we talk about what constitutes good food choices, please realize that this goes well beyond simply the type of food, but also encompasses quality.

My guest on the program today is Larry Olmsted. He’s the author of the new book Real Food, Fake Food. The reason I asked him to appear on the program today is that his new book is extremely revealing in terms of just how deep and pervasive food fraud is in America.

For instance, he reveals that most of the olive oil sold in America is actually fake. He also reveals a study showing that 100% of sushi restaurants in New York City that were screened were serving fish that was not the type advertised. He goes on to describe the fraud that is pervasive in cheese and meat products here in America.

Fortunately, he gives us some good tips in terms of what we can do to protect ourselves in terms of our food selection process.

Larry is a food writer for USA Today as well as Forbes.com, and is very well-informed on the subject of his book, as you will now see.

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The Empowering NeurologistFood

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