

Yes, Gluten Sensitivity Is Very Real

Yes, Gluten Sensitivity Is Very Real

Hardly a day goes by that I don’t see an article either in print or on the Internet indicating that the notion of going gluten-free is entirely overblown. Typically, the conclusions often sounds something li…
Is Gluten-Free Toxic?

Is Gluten-Free Toxic?

I’ve been getting a lot of e-mail and social media messages over the past few weeks about a recent publication that purports that going off gluten-containing foods will increase a person’s risk of arsenic an…
Top Researchers Reveal How Gluten Threatens Health

Top Researchers Reveal How Gluten Threatens Health

This week, Columbia University announced a “breakthrough” in our understanding of how gluten relates to health issues. Their findings, published in the journal Gut, revealed that the complaints gluten-sensit…
Consider Gluten Sensitivity in Children with Psychosis

Consider Gluten Sensitivity in Children with Psychosis

Hardly a day goes by without someone telling me a story about a miraculous improvement in some form of medical condition when a person decided to eliminate gluten from his or her diet. No doubt, most would f…
Psoriasis – A Gut Related Disorder

Psoriasis – A Gut Related Disorder

Modern medicine is clearly vested in what I like to call the Las Vegas mentality. We’ve all heard that “what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas,” and it seems that, as it relates to medicine today, we still ten…
Gluten Sensitivity – Challenged by a New Study?

Gluten Sensitivity – Challenged by a New Study?

The prevalence of gluten sensitivity has been the subject of lively debate over the past several years with some researchers indicating that as many as 30% of us have a bona fide reaction to gluten and even …
The One Probiotic Supplement You Need to be Taking

The One Probiotic Supplement You Need to be Taking

Bowel wall permeability, more commonly described these days as “leaky gut,” is now front and center in the news, and is well known as a cause of a large number of common disease entities. The intestinal barr…
What You Need to Know about Gut Bacteria and Autoimmunity

What You Need to Know about Gut Bacteria and Autoimmunity

We are just beginning to gain an understanding as to the mechanisms underlying the role of gluten in inducing autoimmune diseases like type I diabetes. Much of our understanding stems from the landmark publi…
Gluten Sensitivity Doesn’t Only Involve the Gut

Gluten Sensitivity Doesn’t Only Involve the Gut

Recently, Australian researchers published a report in the journal Gastroenterology that purported to argue against the clinical entity known as non-celiac gluten sensitivity. In their research, the claim wa…
What Leading Science Says About the Gluten Threat

What Leading Science Says About the Gluten Threat

I recently had the great honor to lecture in California along side Dr. Alessio Fasano. Dr. Fasano is a practicing gastroenterologist and research scientist at Harvard whose interest is in gluten-related diso…