
Blood Sugar

A Machine-Generated View of the Role of Blood Glucose Levels in the Severity of COVID-19

A Machine-Generated View of the Role of Blood Glucose Levels in the Severity of COVID-19

How Gut Bacteria Affect Blood Sugar

How Gut Bacteria Affect Blood Sugar

So much of our health depends on metabolism. And specifically, one of the most important players in this space is how well controlled is our blood sugar. In looking at blood sugar, how it changes following ...
A Machine-Generated View of the Role of Blood Glucose Levels in the Severity of COVID-19

A Machine-Generated View of the Role of Blood Glucose Levels in the Severity of COVID-19

Uric Acid, Blood Sugar, and Body Fat

Uric Acid, Blood Sugar, and Body Fat

AMPK is an enzyme of central importance in human metabolism. Yes, this post is a bit steeped in science, nonetheless, the information is really important as you soon will see. AMPK plays such an importan...
Gut microbiome activity contributes to individual variation in glycemic response in adults

Gut microbiome activity contributes to individual variation in glycemic response in adults

If Fructose Is So Bad – Should I Eat Fruit?

If Fructose Is So Bad – Should I Eat Fruit?

With all the nuances of dietary recommendations from keto to paleo to vegan to who knows what else, one thing is clear: there is absolutely no need for added fructose, or any sugars for that matter, in the h...
Continuous Glucose Monitoring – A Powerful Tool for Metabolic Health

Continuous Glucose Monitoring – A Powerful Tool for Metabolic Health

As we have discussed so often, metabolic function is the central player for the entire body as it relates to health, disease resistance, and longevity. It is absolutely essential that we maintain normal bloo...
Fructose, a “Safer Sugar”?

Fructose, a “Safer Sugar”?

Lately, in an apparent attempt to push back from the negativity surrounding high fructose corn syrup, there seems to be an increase in the number of articles published touting the advantages of fructose as a...
The Value of Time Restricting Our Food Consumption

The Value of Time Restricting Our Food Consumption

One very popular variation of outright fasting is what is called time-restricted feeding (TRF). In both humans and laboratory animals, TRF refers  the consumption of food only during a specific period of tim...
Cancer Risk – Why Blood Sugar Matters

Cancer Risk – Why Blood Sugar Matters

By: The Dr. Perlmutter Team Blood sugar elevation has become a central focus in medicine these days because of its well-established relationship to so many chronic conditions including Alzheimer’s, diabetes...