

Making the Mediterranean Diet Even Better!

Making the Mediterranean Diet Even Better!

We are certainly hearing a lot these days about the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet, and with good reason. There is so much being written how effective this diet is in terms of being associated wit...
Probiotic Intervention Affects Mood

Probiotic Intervention Affects Mood

New and exciting research is revealing a strong connection between our mood and the various bacteria that live within our intestines. This is certainly a sobering notion. Think of it: the bacteria living wit...
Prebiotic feeding elevates central brain derived neurotrophic factor

Prebiotic feeding elevates central brain derived neurotrophic factor

Kombucha: Why All The Fuss?

Kombucha: Why All The Fuss?

Have you heard about kombucha? It seems like the drink of the moment right now, and deservedly so. A powerful fermented food that brings important probiotic strains to your gut, kombucha should absolutely ha...
Finding the Right Probiotic

Finding the Right Probiotic

Visit a grocery store or vitamin shoppe today, and you'll instantly be overwhelmed by the myriad probiotic supplements available to you. With so many different types of probiotic strains and different brands...
Countering Your Antibiotics with Probiotics

Countering Your Antibiotics with Probiotics

Frequently, I see members of this community write in with concerns on how taking an antibiotic may be disrupting the balance of their gut microbiome. Certainly, this is a valid concern, as even the word's ro...
Approaches to Studying and Manipulating the Enteric Microbiome to Improve Autism Symptoms

Approaches to Studying and Manipulating the Enteric Microbiome to Improve Autism Symptoms

Fermented Foods: A Healthful Choice

Fermented Foods: A Healthful Choice

If you've read Brain Maker, than you understand how important probiotics are for your health. They play a key role in helping you build the balanced gut microbiome that facilitates optimal health. Beyond jus...
Dr. Perlmutter’s Periscope Q&A

Dr. Perlmutter’s Periscope Q&A

On the day we launched Brain Maker, I thought it would be fun to get to speak to you all in real-time and be able to answer some of your questions on the book, the microbiome, gut health, and more. Utilizing...
Research – Probiotic Intervention Affects Mood

Research – Probiotic Intervention Affects Mood

New and exciting research is revealing a strong connection between our mood and the various bacteria that live within our intestines. This is certainly a sobering notion. Think of it: the bacteria living wit...