

New to a Low-Carb Keto Diet? Avoid These Common Mistakes

New to a Low-Carb Keto Diet? Avoid These Common Mistakes

By: The Dr. Perlmutter Team The ketogenic diet is one of the most talked about and debated diet trends today. You’ve probably heard celebrities, athletes, and neighbors raving about the benefits of this die...
Sources of Protein for Vegetarians

Sources of Protein for Vegetarians

I'm often asked how someone who chooses to be vegetarian, or vegan, can get enough protein in their diet. While that's an important question, I want to start my answer by pointing out that choosing this lif...
Be Kind to Your Brain – Eat Fat and Cut the Carbs

Be Kind to Your Brain – Eat Fat and Cut the Carbs

Alzheimer’s disease, far and away the most common form of dementia, now affects some 5.4 million Americans, representing the third leading cause of death in our country. Even more troubling is the fact that ...
You Can Lose the Weight – Four Simple Steps

You Can Lose the Weight – Four Simple Steps

Go to the mall. See a movie. Look around next time you’re in an airport. What you’ll see is the confirmation of all the statistics that we’re hearing so much about these days related to the ever-increasing p...
Healthy Weight Loss

Healthy Weight Loss

Protein Bars

Protein Bars

How Sunshine Builds a Better Brain

How Sunshine Builds a Better Brain

Growth hormone for the brain. What a concept. Truth is, science has indeed identified a protein that does exactly that. It’s called brain-derived neurotrophic hormone (BDNF). While this may sound compelling ...
Getting the Answers

Getting the Answers

Last month, you may have seen a post on my Facebook page about an interview I had done with Medscape. A few weeks later, the interview was made available to the general public on WebMD. The main focus of the...
Dangerous Meat and Dairy?

Dangerous Meat and Dairy?

As you may have heard, University of Southern California researchers recently published a report in the journal Cell Metabolism in which they related consumption of higher levels of protein from animal sourc...
Keep Yourself in Ketosis

Keep Yourself in Ketosis

When talking about a Grain Brain lifestyle, and the very similar ketogenic diet, it’s frequently mentioned that we are aiming to keep our bodies in ketosis. However, if you’re new to my work, it may be that ...