

I Can Feel Your Sadness

I Can Feel Your Sadness

“I can feel your sadness.” This is a declaration we are certainly hearing frequently these days. And it’s not to be taken lightly. Experiencing another person’s sadness, for example, and having the ability t...
The effects of sleep deprivation on emotional empathy

The effects of sleep deprivation on emotional empathy

Optimal Blood Sugar Preserves the Brain

Optimal Blood Sugar Preserves the Brain

It’s quite likely that very few people wouldn’t want to do everything they could to preserve the integrity and functionality of their brains. As it turns out, we, each and every one of us, have a lot to say ...
Yes – A Lack of Sleep Means Eating More, A Lot More!

Yes – A Lack of Sleep Means Eating More, A Lot More!

In today's video, Dr. Austin Perlmutter takes a look at a recent study that sought to understand the impact of lack of (restorative) sleep on our decision-making. In particular, how this lack of sleep can im...
Sleep and Food Connected: How You Eat Affects How You Sleep

Sleep and Food Connected: How You Eat Affects How You Sleep

One of the central themes in Brain Wash is regaining the ability to make good choices. Not a day goes by that we don’t see or hear about another new book telling us how a specific diet, or other lifestyl...
Reducing Inflammation for Better Health

Reducing Inflammation for Better Health

The leading causes of death and disability worldwide are chronic degenerative conditions. These familiar diseases including cardiovascular disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, and type II diabetes are incre...
Announcing Brain Wash

Announcing Brain Wash

Look around and ask yourself, could things be better? We believe the answer is a resounding yes. And this is our ultimate goal in bringing out our new book, Brain Wash. Brain Wash is a functional roadmap for...
The Empowering Neurologist – David Perlmutter, MD and Petteri Lahtela

The Empowering Neurologist – David Perlmutter, MD and Petteri Lahtela

Last February, my wife and I were attending a health-related symposium and noted that many of the speakers were wearing an OURA ring. We learned that the OURA ring was one of the latest entries in the fie...
6 Tricks for Better Sleep

6 Tricks for Better Sleep

It's an all-too-common scenario. Too many restless nights resulting in a visit to the doctor where you confess that you're "not sleeping well." In many cases, this results in your doctor writing a prescripti...
The Glymphatic System: Enhancing Performance with Optimal Sleep

The Glymphatic System: Enhancing Performance with Optimal Sleep

Perhaps by now, you've heard of the glymphatic system. Personally, I've seen it be a subject both popular media and medical journals are devoting more and more attention to. But, what exactly is the glymphat...