

How to Thrive in a Toxic World

How to Thrive in a Toxic World

Call it like it is, we live in a very very toxic world. Our ability to detoxify the more than 90,000 chemicals that have been introduced into our existence is certainly less robust than it needs to be. Inde...
Autism Spectrum Disorder and Pesticide Exposure

Autism Spectrum Disorder and Pesticide Exposure

While pinpointing the actual cause or causes of autism remains elusive, more and more research is indicating that environmental issues may play an important role. To be clear, there are certain genetic marke...
Role of Environmental Contaminants in the Etiology of Alzheimer’s Disease: A Review

Role of Environmental Contaminants in the Etiology of Alzheimer’s Disease: A Review

Heavy Metals – A Risk for Alzheimer’s?

Heavy Metals – A Risk for Alzheimer’s?

For years we’ve been seeing scientific literature describe the various health risks associated with having elevated levels of (potentially) toxic heavy metals. The reason this information is so important is ...
Is Gluten-Free Toxic?

Is Gluten-Free Toxic?

I’ve been getting a lot of e-mail and social media messages over the past few weeks about a recent publication that purports that going off gluten-containing foods will increase a person’s risk of arsenic an...
Air Pollution and Risk for Dementia

Air Pollution and Risk for Dementia

One of the central themes of this blog centers on the importance of various lifestyle factors as they relate to brain health. We live at a time when there is, as of yet, no specific treatment or cure for our...
How Lifestyle Choices May Affect ALS Risk

How Lifestyle Choices May Affect ALS Risk

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, is almost uniformly fatal and is only increasing in incidence. While no one has as yet been able to pinpoint what may cause this disea...
Fight Autism – Choose Organic

Fight Autism – Choose Organic

Brain scientists are at a loss when it comes to trying to explain to the general public why we are seeing a profound, and ever-increasing, incidence of autism spectrum disorder. Obviously, although there may...
How About a Broccoli Detox?

How About a Broccoli Detox?

By: Austin Perlmutter, MD, Medical Student, Miller School of Medicine Since childhood we’ve been told to eat our broccoli, a request usually based on the claim that “it’s good for you.” Though we now have su...
Another Important Threat Posed by GMO Food

Another Important Threat Posed by GMO Food

Let’s put our conversation about the dangers of GMO foods aside for a moment and consider why so much of America’s agricultural production is now centered on the use of genetically modified seed. One of the ...