
Gluten-Containing Products

If experiencing gluten intolerance symptoms, the products on this page should be avoided.  Instead, concentrate on gluten free, brain healthy foods.  Many are listed here. This is sure to help mai...

Helpful Smartphone Apps for Grain Brain

The following are some helpful smartphone apps that can help you track your progress.  Whether it be getting enough shut-eye, finding the nutritional data of a certain food, or helping you keep up with...

Drugs that Deplete B Vitamins

B vitamins are your best protection against elevated levels of homocysteine, an amino acid produced in the body that in excess, can increase your risk of mood disorders, poor mental performance, and Alzheim...


Enjoy the sun this 4th

Have a great holiday, and don't forget your sunscreen!

Gluten Associated Cross Reactive Foods

While following the basic dietary guidelines that I provide both in Grain Brain and on drperlmutter.com, make sure to make note of the gluten free recipes you like and foods that you think might be still gi...